
  Title: Demand analysis of hand tractor services for owners renter in two districts of East Java, Indonesia.


rural development hand tractor Java Indonesia

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Armanu




T - RuDe 2

SEARCA Library


Central Luzon State University (CLSU),

October 1989

Muños, Nueva Ecija, Philippines :

The study was undertaken to investigate some demographic, economic and government policy factors affect the demand for hand tractor services in East Java. The analysis was based on primary data collected through personal interview with 47 farmer tractor owners and 168 farmer tractor renters. The descriptive analyses of variables were analyzed by frequency distribution, standard deviation and mean. Regression analysis was used to estimate the significant contribution of each of select variables on the demand for hand tractor services. the functional form of the equation was assumed to be linear. The study found that tractor owners and tractor renters differed in social status, farm size and income. Tractor owners had larger farm size (2.32 ha) than tractor renters (.63 ha), higher income (Rp 1,939,644.48 wet season and Rp 2,719,731.70 dry season) than tractor renters (Rp 531,360.70 wet season and Rp 747,098.63 dry season).

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