
  Title: The use of auxiliary information in Philippine agricultural statistics


experimental statistics agricultural statistics

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Ng Kok Tee




T - Stat 1

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

January 1973

College, Laguna :

General applications of auxiliary information are discussed in the light of stratification and estimation. A frame based on unreleased agricultural data of Laguna from the Census of Agriculture 1971 was constructed. Seven estimators were developed and their variances derived, however, only three were selected for comparison. The frame was efficient as far as farm households and their related characteristics are concerned; while it is still acceptable in the case of NFHH and two related variables, there are still rooms for improvement. Separate ratio estimate is more efficient than the combined, however, the latter seems to be less biased and hence more recommendable especially for small sample size. The multi-purpose lay-out is capable of adapting to any agricultural survey with some modifications or further sub-stratification.

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