
  Title: An analysis of resource productivity and credit needs of coconut farms in Southern Tagalog, 1973-74


agricultural economics resource productivity credit coconut farms

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Olalo, Celestino C.




T - AgEc 4

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

May 1975

College, Laguna :

The study is an attempt to : (1) determine the present levels of input resources and corresponding output and income of coconut farms; (2) analyze some economic factors associated with coconut production and farm income; (3) obtain statistical estimates of the productivities of the different factors of coconut production; and (4) determine the present use of credit relative to the amount needed for more efficient resource use on coconut farms. A total of 343 coconut farms randomly and systematically selected from four major coconut-producing provinces in Southern Tagalog were included in the study. Data of these sample farmers were obtained through personal interviews conducted by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics in May 1974. Information analyzed were for the cropyear from July 1 1973 to June 30 1974. The analyses on the farm business and on farm credit are descriptive in nature while the analytical technique employed on resource productivity is least squares multiple regression technique.

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