
  Title: The performance of agricultural education program of CHED-Supervised colleges and its implication to modernizing agriculture


agricultural education modernizing agriculture colleges

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Genturo, Noel C.




T - AgEd 15

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

September 2000

College, Laguna, Philippines :

The performance of AEP in four Ched-supervised colleges in the provinceof Iloilo was evaluated using an "output-oriented" evaluation model. This model was used to determine the performance of the program (AEP) and the performance of the output (graduates) of the program from 1995-1999. The results and findings of the study revealed that: in internal efficiency, the AEP of four CHED-supervised colleges had "low" enrolment and "very low" in dropout, transfer, and retention rates but "very high" in cohort survival and graduation rates. The grade point average of AEP graduates of these colleges is "good". In external efficiency, AEP graduates are "above average:" in PBET passing percentage, "average" in career professional passing percentage and employment percentage, "very satisfactory" in their work performance rating and "moderate" in their contriution to employers productivity.

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