
  Title: Nucleus scheme in shrimp aquaculture: a case of Tir-Trans Negeri Astinapura, Indonesia


agribusiness management Nucleus scheme shrimp aquaculture Indonesia

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Zainal Arifin




T - AgMa 16

SEARCA Library


Central Luzon State University (CLSU),

April 2001

Muñoz, Philippines :

This study examined the operation and management of nucleus scheme in shrimp aquaculture located in Negiri Astinapura covering the period 1999 - Mar 2001. There are four major scheme participants, namely, ACL (Nucleus Company), Coopratives, Plasma and Deptrans. The relationship among participants constitutes a networking in the implementation of a rural development endeavor by adopting the agribusiness in the scheme. The work relationship among participants is revealed in the partnership agreement.

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