
  Title: An assessment of the potentials for community based conservation of Chocolate Hills, Bohol province, Philippines


environmental science community based resource management Chocolate Hills ecotourism Bohol province

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Cruz, Fleurdeliz A.




T - EnSc 2

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

May 2001

College, Laguna, Philippines :

The study examined the potentials for community-based conservation of Chocolate Hills by looking at environmental respondents were interviewed on perception or the "panan-aw sa palibot" of various stakeholders of this resource. Three sitios of Barangay Buenos Aires in Carmen, Bohol Province were selected as study sites where 111 community respondents were interviewed on perceptions toward the Chocolate Hills and its conservation, community participation in conserving the hills, and community evaluation of ecotourism. Other respondents included thirty-six excursionists (36) and seventeen government officials (17).

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