Author/s: Prasit Prakongsri
D - ExEd 14
SEARCA Library
University of the Philippines Los Baños,
May 1985
Los Baños, Laguna, the Philippines :
The study analyzed the operationalization or present conduct of the agricultural extension function of the university in Thailand, its characteristics and what its nature should be from the point of view of the respondents. The finding might provide general guidelines in the development of the extension function of the university to enable it to meet the goals of its establishment as a source of technological information and expertise for national development. Data were gathered from 301 respondents whose work was directly related to extension performance of the university including 166 university staff, 65 students, 35 personnel from the ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, 10 from non-government agencies, and 65 farmer cooperators of university extension activities. Information was also collected through reports, logbooks, and personal observation. Descriptive as well as statistical methods were used in the analysis of the data.
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