
  Title: An evaluation of the technical agriculture education program at the Institute of Technology and Vocational Education in Thailand


agricultural education agriculture education program Thailand

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Wichit Taechotirote




D - AgEd 24

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños,

October 1981

Los Baños, Laguna, the Philippines :

This study attempted to evaluate and explore possible areas for improvement of the Technical Agriculture Education Program (TAEP). Questionnaires were used to gather data from 610 respondents composed of 205 students, 180 graduates, 95 instructors, 40 administrators, and 90 employers. Data were analyzed with the use of analysis of variance (ANOVA), least significance difference (LSD) test for unequal sample sizes, and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The four groups of respondents evaluated several aspects of the TAEP, namely: its philosophy and objectives, curriculum, recruitment/admission of students, college staff, instruction, administration, and work experience as functioning moderately or satisfactorily. The study revealed the strong and weak features of the TAEP. The strong features were in the areas of recruitment/admission of students, college staff, and administration while the weak features were in the area of facilities. Some of the respondents' comments or suggestions for upgrading the program were as follows: improvement of library and instructional facilities, improvement of curriculum by training the students in employable skills, and improvement of instruction by employing experienced and competent staff members. The study revealed the urgent need for improvement of the TAEP through the improvement of library facilities and instructional aids both in quality and quantitity, the curriculum, the teaching-learning process, the knowledge transfer, conpetencies and dedication of the instructors, communication, and appropriate funds. In connection with agricultural competencies and skills, the employers observed that the graduates of TAEP lacked communication skills, particularly in reporting work accomplishments; were poor in methods and approaches in extension work; lacked experimental techniques; were poor in human relations; and possessed inadequate technical agricultural skills.

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