
  Title: Morphometric traits and DNA profiles of three generations of selected coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) genotypes.


plant genetics coconut morphometric traits DNA profiles

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Emmanuel, Ernesto E.




T - PlGe 4

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),


College, Laguna :

The genetic variability and relationship of seven coconut genotypes from the original collection site and their representatives in two field genebanks were determined using morphological and molecular marker analyses. The coconut populations consisted of four talls (LAGT, SNRT, BAYT, and WAT) and three dwarf (CATD, TACD, and MRD) varieties. Thirty sample palms per population were assessed morphologically based on the 39 characters listed in the Stantech Manual Genetic diversity was also assessed using five Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) or microsatellite primer pairs previously developed for coconut. Morphological characterization revealed that there is substantial variation in almost all the quantitative vegetative and reproductive characters among the seven populations in every site. Except in the dwarf and WAT populations. Environmental factors (soil and climate) and age of palms could have contributed to the morphological variations within varieties among sites or replicates. Homogeneity of characters is noted mostly among the dwarf populations which is attributed to their self-pollinating characteristic. Like wise, qualitative characters (shape of bole, fruit and nut) revealed homogeneity in each variety across sites which implied that each variety retained its characteristics shapes across location. Diversity indices between sites of each population were all considered moderate ranging from 0.52-0.56 H. Principal component analysis revealed that all the quantitative characters except 11 SCAR, PEDIA and SPWOF had high contributions to variations.

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