
  Title: Effects of crossbreeding and inbreeding on growth performance, age at sexual maturity : and chromosome morphology of three genetic groups of the Philippine Native Chickens (Gallus gallus domessicus Linn).


animal science philippine native chicken : Gallus gallus domesticus Linn Indonesia

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Sintje Lumatauw




D - AnSc 40

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),


College, Laguna, Philippines :

Three genetic groups of the Philippine native chickens (the Banaba, the Paraoakan, and the Bolinao) and their crosses were used in this study. They were subjected to a 3 X 3 full diallel cross design to determine heterosis and combining abilities for growth performance and age at sexual maturity. the F1 progenies of the Banaba x Paraoakan cross consistently showed the highest body weight with high heterosis especially at 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 and 20 weeks of age. General combining ability, specific combining ability and reciprocal cross effects on body weight were significantly different (P<0.05). Both the Banaba and Paraoakangroups showed relatively high positive values for general combining ability indicating that the body weight at ages considered were governed primarily by additive gene action. In a separate experiment, a total of 180 heads of native chickens were used for a one-year inbreeding study. These chickens were produced from four different kinds of inbreeding, namely: parent offspring, full sib, paternal half sib and maternal half sib mating involving three genetic groups (the Banaba, the Paraoakan and the Bolinao) of the Philippine native chickens. Results indicated that mating of closely related chickens under different systems of mating in one generation showed a potential problem to the body weight of the three genetic groups studied. The Banaba group exhibited delay in their age of sexual maturity following inbreeding under different systems of mating.

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