
  Title: Analysis of the Indonesian transmigration model and some policy implications for extension.


extension education transmigration model policy implications

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Aleh Human Saleh




D - ExEd 32

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

October 2001

College, Laguna, Philippines :

The study was done to understand the Indonesian Transmigration Model, particularly the factors related to its success or failure. This study was heavily based on a review of existing literature and researches related to the transmigration program. The transmigration program is viewed from the premise of the push-pull theory on migration. Therefore this approach views transmigration program as a combination of "push" factors that pressure a migrant to seek better opportunities, and "pull" factors that attract a migrant to a particular location. There are four major components that influenced trnasmigration program namely : potential migrant as push factor to leave the place of origin, government efforts as facilitating factors, economics and non-economics factors as pull factor to come to the destination area, and barrier to migration as an obstacle in between. Result of the study indicated that there are two indicators of success namely : income of the migrant from cultivating the land in the destination area and integration with local people. Almost all studies have sufficiently specified the expected income potentials for the migrants. The economic success and incomes of migrants vary widely from place to place, depending on soil and water resources, the extent of initial inputs, the amount of guidance given to new settlers and the year in which they were resettled. problems evolved because transmigration program was narrowed only by migrating people from Java, Bali, and Lombok. Moreover, the promotion of the transmigration program only focused on free land and house, but the type of land cultivation that is suited to the respective areas was not explored. In the past, JAvanese-styled paddy field plowing was conducted in almost all transmigration areas outside Java, which were different in land condition, irrigation system and climate.

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