
  Title: Some problems in the implementation of decree No. 35 on forest management : A case study in the forest concession area of Gat, Kampong Thum Province, Cambodia.


tropical forestry forest management

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Divan Nong




T - TrFo 4

SEARCA Library


University of Gottengin,

September 2001

Gottengin, Germany :

The implementation of forest regulations in forest management in Cambodia has been ineffective since 1970 when the political crisis started in the country. To promote a sustainable forest management in the country, in 1988 the Decree No. 35 on Forest Management was adopted. Since then, almost 13 million ha of forest resources have been under the jurisdiction of the Decree, even though the forest management has been reformed from the individual coupe management to the concession management in the early 1990s. However, the forested area has been reduced from almost 13 million ha in 1988 to some 9 million ha in 2000 due to the appearance of some problems in the implementation of the Decree No. 35 and other regulations of forest concession management in the forest management practices in the country. The research aims to analyse the effectiveness of the Decree No.35 in forest management practices and to identify the problems regarding the implementation of the Decree and other relevant regulations of forest concession management in forest management practices in the country. As a result, the implementation of the Decree No. 35 and other regulations of forest concession management in the forest management practices on both administrative levels have been ineffective.

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