
  Title: Development of a crop simulation model for zoning of castor (Ricinus communis L.) in Indonesia.


agroclimatology crop simulation model castor bean crop management zoning water balance phenology growth

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Fadjry Djufry




T - Agroc 1

SEARCA Library


Bogor Agriculture University,


Indonesia :

A crop simulation model is one of decision support tools that can be employed to conduct planning and agro climatic zoning quantitatively. This research aimed to construct a crop simulation model of castor bean (Ricinus communis. L) comprising crop development, crop growth and water balance. The model can then be used as a basis for crop management and zoning. This research conducted field experiment at two locations, at Malang, East Java and at Sukamandi, West Java which have distinct elevations. The purpose was to obtain significant air temperature difference to derive crop development parameters required by the model. The experiment employed a 'split-plot design'. Nitrogen did not affect crop development, nor the water treatment except that the one between early flower and anthesis. On the other hand, nitrogen and water significantly affected crop growth. In addition, the difference of soil water between MAlang and Sukamandi locations had caused distinct growth. Biomasses of crop organs at Sukamandi were much less compared with that in Malang due to the water stress. The insignificant effects of nitrogen and water to crop development has advantage to use a 'thermal unit' as a parameter or constant which can be used in modeling of crop development, while responses of crop growth to water and nitrogen availability should be the basis for simulating crop growth in response to water and nitrogen.

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