
  Title: Farmer's perspective of state of well-being and benefits from participation in an NGO agricultural extension project.


well-being participation rural development farmers rice farming nongovernmental organizations

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Libunao, Wilfredo H.




D - ExEd 33

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños,


Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines :

The study endeavored to determine the nature of farmers' participation in the Alternative Rice Production Pattern Project (APPP) of the Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM), come up with farmer-identified benefits accruing from their participation in the APPP, and find out the farmer's perception of their well-being. Sixty five percent of the respondents exhibited genuine participation in the planning of APPP activities, about 51 percent had pseudo-participation in the implementation phase and 60 percent had genuine participation in monitoring and evaluation of the APPP. The respondents identified 14 economic, 10 psychological, 8 family, 6 social, 6 environmental, 4 political, and 2 organizational benefits. Family benefits were perceived by the respondents as hierarchical. Satisfaction of financial and material needs of the family was ranked first followed by enhanced knowledge and skills in farming. Majority of the respondents reported that their state of well-being "improved somewhat" as compared to when they were not yet part of the project. Another 25 percent perceived that there was "very little improvement" in their current state of well-being. The economic, psychological, and family benefits were also noted by the respondents to have contributed to the improvement of their well-being.

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