
  Title: Pedological characteristics of soils in Mount Mayon, Albay, Philippines.


soil formation volcanic soil soils clay minerals soil morphology taxonomic classification chemical characteristics Mount Mayon Philippines

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Aberin, Vigilia G.A.




D - SoSc 30

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños,

July 2004

Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines :

The study was conducted to establish the nature of soil development of different soils in Mount Mayon. The frequent eruption of Mount Mayon did not pose hindrance to having a detailed analysis of its soils. Based on history of Mayon eruption, time of deposition of parent materials, and type of volcanic materials, eleven pedons were excavated around Mount Mayon to morphologically, physically, chemically, and mineralogically characterize, and classify the soils of the representative pedons. The different pedons were located in the different land surface unit. The eleven soil pedons were classified as Humic Pachic Dystrudepts (pedon MVA1), Humic Dystrudepts (pedons MVA2, MVA3, MVA4, MVA5, MVA9 and MVA10), Vitrandic Eutrudepts (pedon MVA6), Humic Psammentic Dystrudepts (pedon MVA7), Aquic Eutrudepts (pedon MVA8), and Vitrandic Udorthents (pedon MVA11). The unconsolidated debris and materials from eruption, colluvial and alluvial additions were the parent materials of the soils in the eleven pedons. The magma composition was predominantly plagioclase, hypersthene, and augite, thus the rock type of the parent material was hypersthene-augite Andesite. The very high amount of easily weatherable primary minerals such as hypersthene and augite (pyroxenes), and slowly weatherable primary minerals such as plagioclase indicated that weathering of these primary minerals was not intensive. The cumulization due to eruption, colluvial and alluvial additions, combined with high rainfall, warm and humid conditions favored the enrichment, littering, ripening, humification, melanization, eluviation and illuviation, and braunification pedogenic processes on higher land elevation, whereas decomposition and pedochemical weathering such as oxidation-reduction cycles in pedon represented the major pedogenic processes in rice field on alluvial toe slope with shallow water.

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