
  Title: Use of trunk injection technique and alternative compounds in promoting flowering of carabao mango (Mangifera indica L.).


carabao mango flower inducers trunk injection foliar spray potassium nitrogen vascular system mineral nutrition biochemical changes phenology

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Thanda Aye




D - Hort 20

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Banos,

December 2005

Laguna, Philippines :

A trunk injection technique is a feasible alternative of applying flower inducers in mango trees. Injecting four ml of paclobutrazol (25% SC at 1 g a.i. per meter canopy) in two 4mm holes (bored at 45 angle, 2.5 cm depth) to 4-5 year old 'Carabao" mango trees grown in polybags resulted to shorter shoot length and wavy leaves, indicating uptake of the compound. Injecting 2ml of Ethrel (48% SC), four months later resulted in 70% flowering, compared to the Ethrel-sprayed trees with 5% and water-injected control with 0%. Starch and nitrogen levels in the leaf tissues of treated trees were low. Morphoanatomical study confirmed the efficiency of trunk injection as a feasible alternative to spraying of Ethrel in mango. Spraying of alternative bud break agents in paclobutrazol treated trees showed that nitrogen-based compounds (Ca(NO3)2, NH4NO3, and NaNO3) induced 22-50% flowering compared to 10-12.5% flowering from potassium-based compounds (K2SO4, and KCl). Control trees gave no response. The positive control, KNO3, which exhibited 77.5% flowering, is still the best bud-break agent for mango.

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