
  Title: Rumen fermentation parameters and microbial protein synthesis in dairy cattle fed rice straw, corn stover or king grass as basal diet supplemented ..


dairy cattle basal diet rumen fermentation parameters microbial protein synthesis rice straw King grass balanced concentrate

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Yuliaty




T - AnSc 50

SEARCA Library


Universitas Gadjah Mada,

February 2005

Indonesia :

Five female rumen fistulated dairy cattle were used for investigating rumen fermentation parameters and fifteen female dairy cattle used for estimating rumen microbial protein synthesis. The cattle fed rice straw (RS), corn stover (CS) or King grass (KG) ad libitum as basal diet supplemented with balance energy and protein concentrate. Data obtained: NH3, VFA, pH and microbial Protein Synthesis (MPS) were analyzed using analyses of variance, with split plot and completely randomized design. The means differences were analyzed by DMRT. The result of this research showed that rumen NH3 concentration in the cattle receiving King grass and rice straw as basal diet's were significantly higher than others in the cattle received corn stover (9.86 and 9.41 vs. 4.88 mg/100ml), besides the corn stover has the same value as rice straw. Rumen fluid's VFA concentration of the cattle received rice straw, corn stover and King grass were 77.32; 83.43 and 84.78 mmol/l; the differences among diet's value were not significant. the rumen fluid's pH of dairy cattle with basal diet rice straw, corn stover and King grass were significantly different, whereas the corn stover's pH were higher than rice straw and King grass: 7.20 vs. 7.15 and 7.14. The value of rice straw and King grass as basal diet were not different at all. In addition, the microbial protein synthesis' values were 13.60, 19.53 and 23.19 gN/day, significantly different among diet (P<0.01). The Duncan test showed that King grass's were highest followed by corn stover and rice straw.

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