Author/s: Aspe, Nonillon M.
T - Biolo 1
SEARCA Library
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology,
March 2006
Iligan City, Philippines :
A study on earthworms was undertaken to determine the earthworm species composition in various sampling sites and their distribution in Mt. Malindang. Sampling using abundance assessment method and opportunistic method was conducted in four geographically separated barangays in different elevations in Mt. Malindang. Different ecosystems such as the primary forests, disturbed forests, logged-over forest, agroecosystems and grasslands were considered as sampling sites. The sampling was conducted in October of 2003 in Brgy. Lake Duminagat and February of 2004 in Barangays Sibucal, Toliyok and Small Potongan. Twenty-five species of earthworms were identified , including Pontoscolex, corethrurus, the only species found to belong to Family Glossoscolecidae. The rest belong to Family Megascolecidae of which twenty were of genus Pheretima, three of genus Pithemera, and one of genus Polypheretima. Temporary number coding was assigned to each species since all twenty-four were found to be new species and have no species names yet. Hierarchical cluster analysis reveals that the forest sampling sites within barangays are more similar in terms of species composition than between barangays. The agricultural and grassland communities in different barangays clustered together while the forest sampling sites formed a different cluster. Correlation between hierarchical cluster analysis of species composition in the sampling sites and hierarchical cluster analysis of the physico-chemical parameters in each sampling site showed no one-to-one correspondence indicating that some underlying factors such as geographical, climatic variation associated with elevation, and ecological other than the data collected are more important in shaping the earthworm community structures. Sampling sites situated in higher elevations showed higher diversity compared to the sites in the lower elevations. The destruction of the natural habitat by anthropogenic activities.
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