
  Title: Attributes of knowledge sharing among rice farmers in Ou Saray, Takeo, Cambodia.


knowledge sharing farmers communication strategies rice-fish farming motivation information flow knowledge management communication network social capital network analysis

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Em Sorany




T - DeCo 26

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

July 2008

Philippines :

The general objective of the study was to analyze the attributes of knowledge sharing among rice farmers as basis for developing communication strategies for rice-fish farming. The study was conducted in two rice farming-based villages with a total sample of 113 farmers. A one-shot survey was conducted with a sample size of 62 farmers. This was followed by focus group discussion with 15 farmers and then network group interview with 36 farmers. The respondents were about 43 years old and with 30 years of farming and stay in the villages. Having interacted with different stakeholders involved in rice farming, the respondents have established their preferred attributes of knowledge sharing facilitators in terms of age, gender, education, neighborhood, economic status, leadership ability, and reciprocity, among others. The network analysis showed that everyone in the group was connected; no one was isolated. However, farmer groups had a low density ratio of information flow, indicating limited interaction among group members. This study also found that these attributes of knowledge sharing facilitators and recipients affected the knowledge sharing process in terms of the categories of knowledge shared and flow of knowledge sharing. In addition, individuals had different motivations in sharing knowledge with the community. While these motivations also affected the knowledge sharing process, they had no effect on the categories of knowledge shared and sources of information. To ensure the fast spread of information flow and knowledge sharing among families, communities, and those outside of the community, the preferred attributes of knowledge sharing facilitators and knowledge sharing recipients, including the factors that motivate the knowledge sharing process ought to be considered.

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