
  Title: The certification process in organic rice production: The case of Sangthong District, Vientiane Capital, Lao People's Democratic Republic.


organic rice organic agriculture organic agriculture certification rice production Lao PDR

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Bouthsakone Intahlangsee




T - DeMa 12

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

March 2009

Laguna, Philippines :

Organic rice production has high potential in Lao PDR in terms of favorable environmental condition and demand of internal and external markets. To promote organic rice production, certification is an important issue is not only creating integrity among consumers, traders and producers but acts as marketing instrument to able to obtain premium prices. This study analyzed the model of organic rice production certification process of the Clean Agriculture Center of the Department of Agriculture under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao PDR. The study found out that organic rice has been produced in 10 villages in the district of Sangthong. Their production system has evolved from conventional method to organic concept by following the Lao organic standards with the support of DOA and ProRice. However, this production system was newly introduced to the target farmers so they are in the stage of learning new organic technology. Therefore, an organic rice production is in the beginning stage in terms of meeting organic certification standard. Moreover, the geophysical structure of Sangthong is rolling and all farmers do not convert their farms in to organic, which becomes an obstacle for them to management. On the other hand, organic rice product requires more labor and more technical procedures but most farmers are small land holds and they are familiar with the simple method of conventional agriculture. In addition, although there are demands for certified organic rice, presently, organic rice of Sangthong is not sold at a premium price since they are still undergoing through the process of organic standards certification, and certification body formulation. The study suggest participatory certification process model for organic rice production of Sangthong where cooperation between CB, organic rice producers and traders is needed.

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