
  Title: Role of Liurai and ritual Lisan on adoption vegetables farming through farmer field school in Timor-Leste.


farmer field school agricultural extension adoption of innovation vegetable farming Timor Leste role of Liurai Lisan

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Da Conceicao, Gil




T - AgEc 50

SEARCA Library


Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM),


Indonesia :

The objectives of research were to (1) understand effect of external factors of farmers (Role of Liurai, Lisan, Agriculture Extension and LAnd Area) and internal factors of farmers (Age, Formal Education and Nonformal Education, Motivation, Perception for Market and Attitude of FArmers to Innovation) on farmers' activeness in following activities of FFS in Sub Distritu Manatuto and Lospalos, (2) explain effects of farmers' activeness in following FFS activities on innovation adoption level of vegetables farming. Results of analysis indicated that two internal factors, namely, formal and informal educations, really affected activeness of farmers with significant values of 0.034 for formal education and 0.001 for non formal education respectively. While external factors of farmers namely role of Liurai really affected activeness of farmers with significant value of 0.016. Furthermore, activeness variables of farmers also really affected level of vegetables farming innovation adoption through FFS in sub Distritu Manatuto and Lospalos with significant rate of 0.001.

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