
  Title: Community participation in the environmental management of limestone (Hin Namno) national protected area in Boualapha District, Khammouane Province.


community participation protected area planning management monitoring evaluation decision making land use socio-economic impact income improvement Lao PDR

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Dethsackda Manikham




T - EnSc 15

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

April 2010

Philippines :

Community participation in the sustainable management of Limestone (Hin NamNo) National Protection Area project in Boualapha district, Khammouane province, Lao PDR was evaluated. Two types of questionnaires were developed for different groups of respondents to seek their perception and involvement in community. The results of the statistical analysis among the key informant and respondent were analyzed. The Lao PDR government implemented the land allocation program and promoted community participation in the three communities in 2002. Each community has their own land use types that include construction, cultural, agricultural, and forest lands. Forest lands are divided into conservation, protected, production, and rehabilitation forest. Water and forests are used properly and as a result, limited conflicts were observed, both among the villagers and other nearby villages. However, wildlife population is decreasing and some of endangered species have reportedly disappeared in the area. About 60% of the harvesting of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and wildlife hunting were traded. As for fishing, some local people indicated that some fishers catch fish within the fishery conservation area.

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