
  Title: Exploring social capital and cooperativism among the Getasan dairy cattle farmers in Semarang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia.


dairy cattle farming social capital cooperativism Indonesia

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Siwi Gayatri




T - CoDe 11

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

April 2010

Philippines :

The study shows that dairy cattle is an important source of income in Getasan village. Almost all dairy cattle farmers in Getasan Village were members of the cooperatives. The cooperatives are important for economic advancement and farmers' welfare. Social capital plays an important role in improving the performance of dairy cattle farming and it enhances the dairy cattle farmers to cooperate with each other. The results indicate that the variables of social capital (network and membership, social trust, and collective action) had significant relationship with the variables of cooperativism (sharing knowledge and information, sharing of resources and participation in decision making), while cooperativism was found to have a significant relationship with the performance indicators of dairy cattle farming. Based on the result of the study, the objectives to participate in cooperatives were to increase farmers' welfare and to extend involvement in the group. In addition, collective action had a significant relationship with cooperativism. A farmer who participated in collective activities was more likely to expect more benefits from the cooperatives. Lastly, there was a high level of trust and participation in the cooperatives.

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