empowerment community organizing community fisheries organizational performance CambodiaTags (theses)
Author/s: Sok Daream
T - CoDe 12
SEARCA Library
University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),
April 2010
Philippines :
Results showed that only some respondents understood with limited knowledge empowerment. Empowerment strategies used in community fisheries was community organizing in which it was a part of the process of national fisheries management plans and policy reforms. The training provided was not adequate. Less than half of the respondent claimed that community fisheries had network linkage with other organizations/institutions. Almost all of the respondents had positive perception on CF empowerment. The factors affecting empowerment in community fisheries were occupation, length of organizational membership, knowledge of the CFDO vision, knowledge of protective legislation, resource provision, community organizing, training, and linkage. Meanwhile, the factors affecting organizational performance were gender, length of organizational membership, knowledge of the CFDO vision, knowledge of protective legislations, the role CFDU/CFDO, resource provision, frequency of meeting, CF establishment period, current status of CF, training, linkage/networking and linkage ability of CF. There was no significant relationship between CF empowerment and organizational performance.
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