Author/s: Daud Samsudewa
D - AnSc 48
SEARCA Library
University of the Philippines Los Banos,
April 2012
Philippines :
Four experiments were conducted to evaluate the reproductive behavior, phenotypic characteristic, hematologic profiles, testosterome concentration, and semen quality of male timor deer in different dominant hierarchy assigned into three separate cages following the ratio of 4 males : 8 females. Wilcoxon signed rank test and Kruskal-Wallis H test of non-parametric analysis were done for libido, reproductive behavior, phenotypic characteristics, hematologic profiles, testosterone level and semen quality. Decriptive analysis was done for estrus behavior of female timor deer. The a-male was the dominant male in term of aggressive, libido and mating behavior. Subordinate male showed the highest frequency of wallowing to reduce stress, and of running around for expressing libido. Female timore deer exhibited the highest estrus behavior activity on the second day of heat. Decreasing frequency of urination was observed to be a sign of receptiveness of female timor deer prior to mating. Succesful mating was exhibited by a-male, S2-male did not show actual mating. After establishment of dominance, the a-male showed increased neck circumferences (P<0.05). The highest increased in hematocrit was observed in ÃÂÃÂ-male (5%) and followed by S2-male (4%). S2-male had the highest increase in hemoglobin (0.13 g/dl). The a-male had the highest increase (P<0.05) in testosterone level (4.33 ng/ml). Establishment of dominance hierarchy showed differences in reproductive behaviors, neck circumference and testosterone level without affecting their semen quality.
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