
  Title: People's Perception on the readiness and capacity building needs for municipal autonomy in Bobonaro, Timor-Leste.


Bobonaro, Timor-Leste municipal autonomy

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Candido, Afonso A. J.




D - PuAf 2

SEARCA Library



April 2011

Philippines :

This study was an assessment of people's perception of the readiness and capacity building needs for municipal autonomy in Bobonaro, Timor-Leste. This study was conducted in Bobonaro district as a first pilot project of decentralization have been implemented in Bobonaro. Atotal of 60 respondents were purposively selected representing three groups of respondents, namely; National government official, local government official and civil society.Data were gathered through interview, survey, key information interview, focus group discussion and secondary data. Data gathered from informants were tabulated. Tables and figures were also used in the presentation of results. Basic statistical methods such as percentages (%) and frequency distribution were used to analyze numerical data. Descriptive analysis of available documents was also applied. The result shows that decentralization program in the Bobonaro district, Timor-Leste started since the establishment of an Inter-Minisrterial Technical Working Group in 2003 Its Implementation started in 2004 through the pilot project Development Program (LDP). In general, the Local Government Unit in Bobonaro district is motivated to implement decentralization programs through direct involvement in identification, planning, and participation on decision-making on local development programs in their district. However, human resource problems remain major crucial which hamper the successful implementation of decentralization in Bobonaro, Timor Leste. Lack of capacity, skills, education, and experience to deal with new responsibilities are among the issues. Therefore, a comprehensive capacity building program is needed for both local governments and for the other stakeholders as civil societies and the private sector.

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