
  Title: Auto-ecology and utilization of Zingiber barbatum Wall., in Mt. Popa, Central Myanmar.


Zingiber barbatum biodiversity distribution patterns environmental factors edaphic factors life-history stages vegetation botanical description light moisture temperature wind velocity indigenous uses indigenous knowledge herbal medicine

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Ye Min Htwe




T - Bota 11

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños,

July 2015

Laguna, Philippines :

Auto-ecology and utilization of Zingiber barbatum Wall., native to Myanmar, was studied in situ under different forest types of Mt. Popa, 1,518 m high, located at the arid region of Central Myanmar. The climatic and edaphic factors in four sites at Site 1- 400 m, Site 2- 600 m, Site 3- 800 m, Site 4- 1,000 m above sea level, as well as the distribution pattern and life stages of Z. barbatum were determined. Although physical and biotic factors differed in each altitude, the plant exhibited clumped distribution pattern in all sites. Point Center Quarter Method and Line Intercept Method vegetation analyses showed that Z. barbatum thrived under the canopy of secondary forest characteristic of each altitude. Amount of light energy received and prevailing temperature were the important factors for the transition of juvenile to adult stage of the plant. As observed in Sites 2 and , the plant favors a mixture of sun and shade environment, relative humidity of about 75%, soil and air temperature about 24 degrees C and 25 degrees C, soil pH about 6.7, and sandy clay loam soil type. Although the vegetative reproduction was predominant, fruit production was found under suitable conditions: September in Site 3 and October in Site 2. Z. barbatum is used extensively as indigenous herbal medicine. The local people harvest the plant parts in their natural habitat as needed. The study showed that there is a decreasing population of the species as a result of habitat destruction due to expansion of agricultural lands in the area and harvesting hence there is a need for conservation sustainable use of the species.

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