
  Title: Community participation in rice security programs in Cailaco and Maliana sub-districts, Timor-Leste.


community development rice security programs community participation rice utilization food security

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Micael Soares Dos Santos Martins




T - CoDe 21

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños,

December 2015

Laguna, Philippines :

Results of the binary regression analysis show that the significant factors affecting community participation in rice security programs specifically problem identification are year of organizational membership and trust to the farmers' group. For the planning phase, the significant factors are year of membership, total number of household members, income, and trust to farmers' group. For the implementation phase, farmer's age and financial resources are significant factors. Lastly, for the monitoring and evaluation, age is the only significant factor. Among the rice accessibility variables, knowledge in food aid in the village was significantly correlated with rice production per month, length of farming experience, and amount of financial resources. Moreover, participation in terms of rules and regulation crafting was also significantly correlated with knowledge of food aid in the village. Finally, age, total number of household members, length of farming experience and rice production income per month were correlated with rice utilization variable in terms of estimated rice consumed per family per day.

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