
  Title: Comparative diversity and composition of Xyleborini Ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae : Scolytinae) in rubber plantation and secondary forest, Southern Thailand.


morphology Ton Nga Chang Wildlife Sanctuary rubber plantation secondary forest Xyleborini ambrosia Amasa Lea Arixyleborus Hopkins Cnestus Sampson Debus Huler and Cognato Microperus Wood

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Saranya Sawangphop




T - Ento 15

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños,


Philippines :

Xyleborini ambrosia beetles were investigated and compared in terms of abundance, diversity, and species composition among three different habitats: rubber plantation, adjoining secondary forest, and its edge at Ton Nga Chang Wildlife Sanctuary, Southern Thailand. Ethanol-baited bottle traps were placed along line transects running through the three habitats. Species richness and abundance were examined weekly from July to October 2015. A total of 2,129 Xyleborini ambrosia beetles representing 46 species belonging to 24 genera were collected. Of these identified species, Cryptoxyleborus percuneolus (Schedl) has not previously been recorded fromThailand. The number of species and abundance of Xyleborini arnbrosia beetles overall were not significantly different among comparable habitats. The secondary forest presented the highest richness and abundance, while the species diversity of Xyleborini ambrosia beetles was greatest in monoculture rubber plantation. The species composition of the Xyleborini varied across the habitats. Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff dominated in all collection sites. The highest species similarity was found between secondary forest and its edge, and the rubber field taxa were dissimilar from the rest. Difference in vegetation structure and environmental factors in each community were suggested to be the factors influencing change in the species composition of Xyleborini ambrosia beetles within and among habitats.

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