
  Title: Household and community level practices towards native rice sufficiency in Khoune District, Xiengkhouang Province, Lao PDR.


household community community rice suffiency socio-demographic economic characteristics

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Chanthavongsa Kolakanh




T - CoDe 19

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños,

December 2014

Laguna, Philippines :

The study is on household and community level practices toward native rice sufficiency. it sought to describe the socio-demographic and economic characteristics of the native rice farmers and their households in the selected villages, identify the household and community resources that support native rice production, determine native rice sufficiency at the household and community levels, nad explains the households and community level practices for native rice sufficiency. The study was conducted in Na-ou and Xang villages, Khoune district, Xiengkhouang Province, Lao PDR among 119 households. They were chosen as study sites on bases of their being largely rural, their practice of wetland rice cultivation to grow the age-old native sticky rice varieties, their being popular nationwide for their native sticky rice production. The data gathering methods used were household and key informant interview, focus group discussion, observation, and review of documents. The respondents are middle-aged, mostly males, married, schooled, natives in the study villages, Lao Loum farmers, and have extended families who help them in farming. They have farm and non-farm incomes that sustain their living. Based on the country's poverty threshold, they are not poor. Rice production in the study villages is for subsistence only, thus much of the non-cash income particularly the rice consumed at home, kept for seeds, paid as rent, given away are not include in the computation of total income from rice and livestock. The farmers have household resources but do not have necessary community resources that support native rice production. This implies that they are independent farmers. They need outside support, though, as depicted in their aspiration for government and other Institution's support. Household level possess adequate farming experiences, land parcels, household technology/appliances/tools, farm tools, basic farm machineries, organic fertilizers, and positive attitude and sys system is available but individually owned.

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