
  Title: Input and output commercialization among poor and non-poor lychee farmers in Luc Ngan District, Bac Giang Province, Vietnam.


lychee market farmers

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Bui Hong Quy




T - AgEc 59

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños,

December 2014

Laguna, Philippines :

The study analysed the extent of input and output commercialization among poor and non-poor lychee farmers in Luc Ngan District, Bac Giang Province, Vietnam. Results showed that both poor and non-poor farmers participated in the input and output markets. Poor households have lower degree of input commercialization whereas family labor has a negative effect. Non-poor farmers were more market-oriented that poor farmers with output commercialization index of 86.70% and 89.2%, respectively. Crop yield and price of lychee have positive influence on output commercialization. Household size and distance to output market have negative effect. Non-poor farmers have higher crop yield than a poor farmers, with 11, 205 kg/ha and 9, 352 kg/ha, respectively. Their farm profit is also higher that of poor farmers. The study recommends that poor farmers should be assisted in terms of credit services, extensions services, upgrading road and information system, and crop insurance support. However, it is not very practical because of large financial requirements. To improve fishers' compliance in the study area there is a need to use other determinants of compliance such as morality and social influence factors. In Indonesia and the Philippines, enforcement institutions are not as well established as in Malaysia. Therefore, institutions of enforcement should be given priority in Indonesia and the Philippines. In Malaysia a fairly well developed enforcement institutions exists, thus in this case there is a need to enhance the scheme and implement enforcement more effectively. To improve compliance, fisheries management authorities should also explore alternative approaches for managing fisheries. One such approach is the co-management approach.

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