
  Title: Assessment of ecosystem services of agroforestry systems in selected community-based forest management (CBFM) areas in Laguna, Philippines


ecosystem services community-based forest management agroforestry agroforestry system resiliency agrobiodiversity analysis agrobiodiversity socio-economic resiliency forest management

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: Lalican, Engelbert Delos Reyes




D - Silv 14

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños

June 2016

Los Baños, Laguna

The study was conducted in Liliw and Sta. Maria, Laguna. It generally aimed to assess the ecological services of agroforestry systems of Community-based Forest Management (CBFM) sites focusing on the characterization of agroforestry systems practiced thereat; determinationof socio-economic and demographic characteristics of farmers; determination of agroforestry system's agrobiodiversity; determination of soil physical and chemical properties (fertility and erodibility), and carbon stocks; assessment of the effects of ecosystem services provided by agroforestry systems to the socio-economic well-being and resiliency; and formulation of policy recommendations for the implementation of agroforestry practices in the study areas and other agroforestry sites. The agroforestry systems were characterized based on structure. The socio-economic and demographic characteristics of farmers were obtained using survey sampling. Quadrat method was employed in acquiring agrobiodiversity. The soil properties, erodibility, and carbon stocks were determined through soil sampling, using modified erosion bar, and direct on-site measurementsand laboratory analysis, respectively. Farmer's resiliency was computed using the identified factors and parameters as indicators. Results revealed that farmers practiced shelterbelts/windbreaks-cum live trellis system in Liliw and multilayer tree gardens in Sta. Maria. The agrobiodiversity of agroforestry systems in both sites were moderately diverse for members while low diverse for non-members. Agrobiodiversity indices of agroforestry systems for CBFM members and non-members in Liliw are 2.58 and 1.98, respectively while CBFM members and non-members in Sta. Maria are 2.72 and 0.78, respectively. Farms in both sites had low soil bulk density and erosion rates with high organic matter, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium contents. Carbon stock is low due to the dominance of annual crops in their production systems and young age integrated woody perennials. Ecosystem services of agroforestry systems were rated as moderately (96 farmers) to highly resilient (26 farmers) to climate change impacts across CBFM sites and membership. There is an association between the membership status (member or non-member) and the intensityof resiliency (highly or moderately) of the respondents. High resiliency of the memberfarmers was a result of the assistance from the government agencies, credit lending from the cooperatives,and the trainings obtained by the member-farmers. Practice of agroforestry in CBFM sites; enhancement of socio-economic resiliency and ecosystem services thru agroforestry; and enhancement of the implementation of CBFM as the policy affecting the agroforestry systems, agrobiodiversity, and farmers' resiliency were recommended.

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