willingness to pay waste management solid waste management contingent valuation method solid waste generationTags (Theses)
Author/s: Nguyen Xuan Huu
T - EnSc 28
SEARCA Library
University of the Philippines Los Baños
June 2016
Los Baños, Laguna
Solid waste management remains a major environmental concerns among many countries in Southeast Asia particularly Vietnam. Given the current pressure of industrialization, urbanization and increasing populationin Tu Ky town in Haid Duong City, Vietnam, this study was conducted to determine the mean willingness to pay value of the households for the improvement of the its solid waste management system. A total of 200 households were interviewed using the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). An overwhelming total of 195 out of 200 households were found to be willing to pay for the solid waste management system improvement.The computed mean WTP for the improvement of SWM in the Tu Ky town was $2.24/ hh/m or a total of $26.86/hh/year (Logit model) and was $2.95/hh/m or a total of $35.67/hh/year (Tobit model). Total benefit amount to $61,714/year (Logit model) or $81,952/year (Tobit model) for the entire 2015 population of Tu Ky town. While the households' WTP was found to be negatively affected by the bid price, their household income, and join (Tobit model) positively affects WTP. This result implies that as bid price increases, the WTP of the households decrease. Income and join, on the other hand, have positive effects on WTP indicating that high income earning households and high in participating to groups or environmental movements would relatively have a higher WTP than lower one.
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