
  Title: Effects of birth weight on colostrum intake, mortality rate, and growth rate of Thai native piglets


colostrum immunoglobulins swine breeds enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: Chanmany Souphannavong




T - AnSc 71

SEARCA Library


Chiang Mai University

December 2016

Chiang Mai, Thailand

The objective of this study was to determine the influence of birth weight on colostrum intake, growth performance, and survival of the piglets during lactation. The colostrum and milk from 18 Thai native (TN) and 17 crossbred (CB, Large white x Landrace) pigs were determined through quality and immunity; and their piglets (184 piglets of TN and 229 piglets of CB) were through growth performance, average daily gain (ADG), and mortality during lactation. Piglets were weighed at birth, 24 hours, and then seven, 14, and 21 days of age. Blood from piglets was collected at 12 and 24 hours after farrowing. Colostrum and milk from sows were collected at zero, six, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours, and were used to analyze total solid, crude protein (CP), ash, lactose, crude fat (CF), and IgG concentration. IgG concentration in colostrum and serum was measured by ELISA. Colostrum intake of piglets was calculated by birth weight, time from birth to first sucking, and time of colostrum intake during 24 hours after birth. Results showed that birth weight of TN (0.65 ± 0.15 kg) piglets was significantly lower than CB piglets (1.43 ± 0.20 kg) (p < .01), and ADG of TN piglets at seven, 14, and 21 days (69.33 ± 23.05, 78.07 ± 39.05, and 79.98 ± 25.08 g/day, respectively) were also significantly lower than CB piglets (167.67 ± 34.81, 151.46 ± 49.67, and 173.30 ± 60.85 g/day, respectively) (p < .01). The mortality rate during zero to 24 hours after farrowing of CB piglets was lower than TN (3.38% and 5.70%, respectively). In contrast, mortality rate during 24 hours to three days after farrowing of CB (6.51%) piglets was significantly higher than TN (1.11%) piglets (p < .01). For colostrum intake, within all groups of CB piglets (colostrum intake of high birth weight (CIHBW), colostrum intake of medium birth weight (CIMBW) and colostrum intake of low birth weight (CILBW)) was significantly higher than all groups of TN piglets (348.39, 349.23, and 334.44 g/kg and 186.83, 166.46, and 149.98 g/kg, respectively) (p < .01). For the colostrum intake within all groups of TN piglets, the CIHBW (186.83g/kg) had significantly higher colostrum intake than CIMBW and CILBW (166.46 and 149.98 g/kg) group (p < .01). The composition and quality of the two breeds: CP, lactose, and ash concentration were not significantly different by breed. However, CP and lactose concentration were significantly different over time, within the breed (p < .01). The CF concentration of CB was significantly higher than TN at 48 and 72 hours (p < .05), it was also significantly different within the same breed over time (p < .01). The total solids of CB (26.83%) was significantly higher than TN (23.91%) at zero hour (p < .01), but the IgG concentration in colostrum of TN was significantly higher than CB at 24 and 48 hours (95.75, 66.97, and 70.79, 32.96 mg/ml, respectively) (p < .01), and TN (32.50 mg/ml) was also significantly higher than CB (20.56 mg/ml) at 72 hours (p < .05), and the IgG concentration in serum was not significantly different by breed (p > .05). During the first 12 hours after farrowing, IgG of TN was 16.98 ± 2.98 mg/ml and 15.28 ± 3.33mg/ml of CB, and at 24 hours, all breed was 21.32 ± 3.29 mg/ml of TN and 20.06 ± 3.73 mg/ml of CB. The correlation between growth performance of piglets and composition and quality of colostrum and milk was not significantly different (p > .05). These results showed that the growth performance of the piglets was affected by breed. The composition and quality of colostrum and milk of TN and CB had significant difference over time, after farrowing.

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