
  Title: Patterns of agro-forestry practices among ethnic household In northern upland area of Lao PDR: A case study of Kachet Village


agroforestry upland rice non-timber forest products ethnic communities shifting cultivation

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: Chanhthavy Bounmithanh




T - RuDeM 7

SEARCA Library


Khon Kaen University

November 2016

Khon Kaen, Thailand

The objectives of this research were to study (1) the practice of agroforestry management pattern among upland villagers in Kachet Village, (2) the factors related to the practices of agroforestry pattern among villagers in Kachet Village, and (3) the impacts of agroforestry practices in upland farm households. Qualitative research method was employed in conducting this research. In-depth interviews and observations were conducted with 12 key informants, purposively selected in the process of data collection. The research findings revealed that Kachet Village is a Kamu ethnic community located in upland areas where agroforestry has been practiced by the villagers. Four patterns of agroforestry practices were found in the village, which significantly contributed to reduce deforestation; and to improve the villager’s livelihood through rice production for household consumption and collection of non-timber forest production for earning cash income to serve household needs. There were five factors related to the practices of agroforestry among the villagers in Kachet Village: household income and food source of household consumption, land management, soil conservation, cropping patterns, and socioeconomic conditions. In addition, impacts of agroforestry practices were analyzed at two levels: household and village levels. Impacts at household level included income generation, food, and firewood sources for household consumption, while impacts at village level were the increase of tree covered areas, soil conservation and fertility, and provision of job opportunity for villagers working as wage laborers.

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