
  Title: Upland rice production management systems among rural households in Southern State, Myanmar


upland rice rice production management practices statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) rice production management

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: Wai Mar Lynn




T - RuDeM 3

SEARCA Library


Khon Kaen University

November 2016

Khon Kaen, Thailand

Myanmar has a predominantly agricultural economy which is based on rice production including upland and lowland. To improve rice self-sufficiency for upland families, it is critical point to improve upland rice yield per unit area rather than increase the areas of production. The aim of this research was to study how upland farmers manage their farming activities and to investigate the major factors which are related to the upland rice productivity .The study used qualitative approach and the survey was conducted in July, 2016 at Hin Khar Pin village, Kalaw Township, Southern Shan State, Myanmar by using purposive sampling method and the sample size was 37 households. The primary data were collected through semi-structured interview, focus group discussion, in-depth interview and direct observation. The interviewed farmers in upland rice farming are low education, lack of knowledge about crop management patterns, poor in Good Agricultural Practice (GAP). Their existing farm management practices follow the traditional methods, such as wrong method for weeds control, no or minimal fertilizer application. Most of the upland farmers are not aware that they could increase yield by using improved management practices. The study found three main factors such as biological factors, physical factors and social factors that are related to the productivity and income of upland rice growing farmers especially in education, total income and expense, ownership status, health condition, farm mechanization and nutrient management. To increase upland rice production, farmers need to adjust their planting and management practices in efficient ways. Therefore, rural development and knowledge distribution through the farmers are urgently needed.

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