
  Title: Assessment of the management effectiveness and potential for ecotourism of Dong Na Tard protected area in Lao PDR


protected area ecotourism management effectiveness Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) sustainable management

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: Yoth Vanhnasin




T - NaRe 5

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños

June 2017

Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines

The study was conducted in Dong Na Tard Protected Area (DNT PA), Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR to assess its management effectiveness and potential for ecotourism using the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT). Results of the study were based on primary and secondary data from relevant government offices, nongovernment organizations (NGOs), and private organizations. METT is an assessment tool used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of existing management strategies and systems being implemented in the DNT PA. Key informant interviews were conducted to determine the threats and/or stressors in the DNT PA. A number of threats surfaced, which included housing and settlement; hunting, killing, and collecting terrestrial animals; garbage and solid waste; and habitat shifting and alteration. The METT scores (gathered from the interviewees at FRMS and villages adjacent to PA) presented in terms of context, planning, input, process, output, and outcome of DNT PA, showed a generally high rating. The context component got the highest score of 98.0 percent, which could be attributed to the legal status and covenants made for the PA. Planning (85.29%) indicated that a management plan for the PA was in place and subjected for scrutiny to various stakeholders. The input (72.71%) denoted that in spite of the presence of an organizational structure, there was inadequacy in the number of forest guards and budget allocation. Processes (59.88%) suggested that the management of the PA required some more improvements in terms of budget allocation and expenses. The PA seemed to be acceptable using the METT because it garnered a mean score for output (72.75%), which suggested that facilities can still be further improved and developed, while the outcome component earned the lowest score of 56.86 percent, which meant that there was a need to further improve the present status of the PA. The METT scores (e.g., for threats, planning, and output components) reflected the present condition of the DNT PA, in relation to ecosystems quality, policy implementation, and enforcement. Current and planned ecotourism activities in DNT PA could somehow affect the utilization and management of natural resources by local people and consequently lead to degradation of natural ecosystem as shown by the number of area decreased and temporal changes of forest covers in the area. For sustainable management and conservation of the PA, strategies should be considered for both natural resources and local people. Collaboration among concerned government agencies should be enhanced and all policies should be strictly implemented. Nong Kolm pond/ swamp should be established into an important bird area (IBA) and aquatic habitat. Local people should practice proper garbage disposal in PA, develop and improve ecotourism facilities, and charge entrance fees for visitors. Concerned institutions and community groups should be involved from planning to implementation processes of management strategies toward sustainable natural resources conservation. Ecotourism activities could support the sustainable management and biodiversity conservation in DNT PA. However, efforts from the community were minimal and there was no specific allocation of payments for ecotourism for sustainable management at the village level. Biodiversity conservation is one blind corner in the whole ecotourism area in the park. Without giving proper attention to this concern, the ecotourism industry would fail to be sustainable.

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