
  Title: Design process of nano-CaO production from oyster (Pinctada maxima) shell as green heterogeneous base catalysts


Pinctada maxima; oyster shell wastes; calcium carbonate; calcium oxide; heterogeneous catalyst; Taguchi Method; multi-response loss function

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: Kendri Wahyuningsih




T - Agroi 2

SEARCA Library


Universitas Gadjah Mada



West Nusa Tenggara is a centre of sea oyster farming which produces pearl in Indonesia. Not only producing pearls, it also produces a lot of Pinctada maxima oyster shell wastes which are rich of natural mineral. The calcium carbonate (CaC03) compounds in Pinctada maxima shell are one of the decomposed natural minerals to produce calcium oxide (CaO) compound which is able to be used as a green heterogeneous base catalysts. Heterogeneous catalysts in nanometre scale is expected to increase its catalystic activity performances. This research aims to isolate of CaO at Pinctada maxima shell, to discover the control factors which influence the production process of nanometre-scaled CaO heterogeneous catalysts, to choose the best condition in its production process with a better-quality product and to test the activity of nano-bioCaO catalysts. Calcined pearl shell (Pinctada maxima) powder was milled by using Shaker mill. The experimental design was performed by using Taguchi method with orthogonal matrix consisting 4 control factor variables: milling time, ball-to powder weight ratio, extent of filling the vial, and the diameter of the beads milling. The selection of best control factor variable combination was computed by using multi response signal-to-noise. The product was characterized using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), FTIR spectrophotometer, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET), scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), and transmittance electron microscopy (TEM). Results showed that Pinctada maxima shell contains 93.53% of Cat). ANOVA analysis showed that the product quality parameter of nano-biocalcium oxide was influenced by all the experiment factors. Multi response signal-to-noise analysis results an optimum factor and level combination under process condition which happens during the duration of 3-hour milling, ball-to-powder weight ratio is 1:10, the diameter beads milling is 5 mm and 55% extent of filling the vial. NanobiaCaO has been able/or catalysing of cooking oil in methanol to produce 81.61% yields of methyl ester.

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