food security; climate change; agriculture; climate-smart agriculture; gender; social inclusionTags (weblinks)
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Wageningen, the Netherlands
Chapter 1 Gender Dimension of Climate Change Research for Agriculture in Southeast Asia: An Introduction by Thelma R. Paris and Maria Fay Rola-Rubzen Chapter 2 Gender-based Vulnerabilities and Adaptation to a Changing Climate: A Case Study in Tra Hat Hamlet, Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam by Srijita Dasgupta Chapter 3 Gendered Perceptions, Impacts and Coping Strategies in Response to Climate Change: Evidence from Mekong Delta, Vietnam by Justin McKinley, Catharine Adaro, Pieter Rutsaert, Valerien O. Pede and Bjoern Ole Sander Chapter 4 Gender and Climate Change Adaptation: A Case Study of Floodprone Rice-farming Villages: A Case Study in Bulacan, Philippines by Julie Ann Basconcillo Chapter 5 Gender, Climate Change and Root and Tuber Crops: A Case Study in Eastern Visayas, Philippines by Arma Bertuso Chapter 6 Gendered Vulnerabilities and Adaptation to Climate Change: The Experience of Rice Farmers of Nueva Ecija, Philippines by Gerlie Tatlonghari, Thelma Paris and Donald Villanueva Chapter 7 Gender and Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Case Study in Tra Hat Village, Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam by Tran Nhat Lam Duyen, Bjoern Ole Sander and Reiner Wassmann Chapter 8 A Feminist Analysis of Oppressive and Emancipatory Potentialities within Technology-prioritized Climate Change Adaptation Intervention: A Case Study from Phailom Community in Laos by Auni Haapala Chapter 9 Building the Capacities of Men and Women Farmers for Self-production of Tai Nguyen seeds: A Case in Tra Hat Climate-Smart Village, Bac Lieu Province by Dang Thi Tho, Truong Thi Ngoc Chi and Le Minh Duong Chapter 10 Incorporating a Gender Dimension in a Participatory Communitybased Project: A case Study in Guinayangan, Quezon Province, Philippines by Magnolia Rosimo, Jowen Dalusag, Julian Gonzalves and Rene Vidallo
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