
  Title: An analysis of collective action among rice farmers in communal irrigation systems in Bohol, Philippines: A new institutional economics approach


rice farmers; communal irrigation systems; irrigators' associations; collective action; Bohol; Philippines

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: Alegado, Jan Lorenzo G.




T - AgEc 71

SEARCA Library




Los Banos, Laguna

This study aimed to analyze the nature of collective action among rice farmers and its effect on the performance of communal irrigation systems in Bohol, Philippines using the New Institutional Economics approach. A household survey of 348 farming households was conducted to collect the required data to represent each irrigators' association, which was the unit of analysis for this study. Ordinary least squares method was used to estimate the effects of institutional factors on collective action. The same method was used to estimate the effects of collective action along with other socio-demographic characteristics of communal irrigation systems on their performance indicators. Results showed that institutional factors such as origin of the association, governance, presence of charter, and generalized trust were significant determinants of collective action. In terms of the performance of the communal irrigation systems, it was revealed that collective action positively influenced cropping intensity, farm yield, and perception level as performance indicators except for satisfaction rating. With respect to other determinants of performance indicators, farm size was found to negatively affect cropping intensity and farm yield. On the other hand, age, and group size were revealed to be positively associated with higher satisfaction rating and perception level.

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