
  Title: Local sheep welfare study on rearing systems and different types of concentrate


Indigofera zollingeriana; local sheep; rearing system; welfare; Garut sheeps

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: Adelia Caetano Gonzaga Dos Santos




T - AnPr 2

SEARCA Library


Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)


Bogor, Indonesia

The provision of concentrates and rearing management considering animal welfare is expected to increase sheep productivity. This study aims to (1) evaluate the effect of raising systems (intensive and semi intensive) and different types of concentrate (green concentrate Indigofera zollingeriana and commercial concentrate) on animal welfare aspect, and (2) analyze the effect of rearing systems and different types of concentrate given which ensures animal welfare. This study used 24 heads of Garut sheep on intensive and semi intensive rearing system and given green and commercial concentrate. Animal welfare aspect included sheep performance (increase in daily body weight), behavior (agonistic, ingestive, resting, sleeping, vocalization and care giving), physiological response (heart rate, rectal temperature, and respiration), blood profile (differential leukocytes and cortisol hormone). This study used a factorial completely randomized design of 2 x 2 with 6 replications. The first factor was 2 levels of treatment rearing system (intensive and semi intensive), the second factor are 2 types of concentrate (green concentrate Indigofera zollingeriana and commercial concentrate). The rearing system, types of concentrates, and their interactions have no effect on the performance of Garut sheeps except concentrates consumption, rearing system types of concentrate, and their interaction do not affect sheep behavior unless ingestive behavior. Sheep physiological response is not influenced by the type of concentrate and observation time. Respiratory rate of real sheep (P<0.05) is influenced by the type of concentrate. The blood profile is not influenced by the rearing system, the type of concentrate, and the interaction between the two treatments. In general, it can be concluded that the rearing system and type of concentrate given does not have a negative impact on Garut sheep that are kept in the Unit Pendidikan dan Penelitian Peternakan Jonggol (UP3J) (Unit Livestock Research Jonggol). It can be said that the sheep kept at UP3J are guaranteed healthy and its productivity is in accordance with animal welfare aspect.

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