
  Title: Access to social services of village group members through the rural roads improvement project in Tram Kork District, Takeo Province, Cambodia


access; social services; rural road development; village groups; Cambodia

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: Nov Vatthanak




D - CoDe 46

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB)

December 2019

Los Banos, Laguna

The study was conducted to analyze the access of village group members to social services through the Rural Roads Improvement Project. Specifically, the study aimed to: describe the socio-demographic and economic characteristics of the village group members; describe the characteristics of the village groups; discuss the Rural Roads Improvement Project as a development strategy; analyze the village members' access to social services before and after the Rural Roads Improvement Project; and propose strategies for enhancing access of village group members to social services. Three villages in Trapeang Thurn Khang Tboung Commune, Tram Kork District, namely, Prey Pril, Trapeang Chouk and Prey Kdey were selected. A total of 31 village group members were purposely selected to provide basic information through the individual survey using a questionnaire, focus group discussion, and key informant interview. A case study research design was used in determining the village group members' access to social services as an output of the Rural Roads Improvement Project implemented in the study sites. Majority (65%) of the village members from the three villages belong to the age range 25-57 years old, female, married and spent seven to eight years in secondary school. All households in the three villages are primarily composed of 4-6 members all staying within the household with three to four of these children in school. Most of the respondents are engaged in rice, vegetables, poultry and livestock production which are their sources of farm income. For non-farm income, the sources are salary from the practice of profession and remittance of husband and children. Majority of the village members fall within the monthly income range of $100-$300. The respondents mentioned different reasons for joining the village group. Majority of the village members in the three villages were involved in the selection of village leaders. The village group leaders were either appointed or elected. In terms of social capital, the respondents show positive attitude, trust to village group and its members. The RRIP led by the Provincial Takeo's Rural Development Office is a project recognized by the commune as a development strategy to reduce poverty even though they did not actively participate in the project. The project design was relevant since it was fully aligned with the government's development priorities and ADB's country strategies. RRIP was effective, efficient and sustainable.

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