
  Title: Analysis of small-scale swine production system in Koh Sotin District, Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia


small scale swine production system; farming system; feeding management system; breeding management system; manure management practice; Cambodia

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: Sous Sineth




T - AnSc 76

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB)

July 2019

Los Banos, Laguna

This analysis of small-scale swine production system in Koh Sotin district, Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia was conducted in eight communes. A structured survey questionnaire and personal interview were used to gather data from 135 respondents. The study aimed to: (1) describe the socio-economic profile of small-scale swine raisers; (2) discuss the small scale swine production system in the district; and (3) conduct a SWOT analysis and recommend solution on swine production system in Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia. All the respondents in the eight communes have weaner-to-finisher pig as their primary production system. Most of them learned swine-raising from their parents. In swine production system, their three major problems are marketing, cost of feed, and lack of knowledge on new techniques on this field. Most of them use mix feeding (commercial feed mixed with kitchen refuse). A majority of them vaccinate their swine. SWOT analysis was also used to analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses as well as the external opportunities and threats of small-scale swine production in Koh Sotin district. Some points brought out and highlighted are the following: The strengths include availability of water in Koh Sotin district, adequacy of swine areas, and the women's sufficient time for both household tasks and care for swine. The weaknesses include most of the respondents' lack of knowledge and skills on raising sow, insufficient financial support for their swine-raising, and inappropriate feed of kitchen refuse or rice wine residues mixed with commercial feed which adversely affects the feeding value of commercial ration. The opportunity is its ability to contribute positively to the empowerment of women and enhance their equal participation in society. The threats are low prices for slaughtered swine and diseases such as respiratory problems, PRRS, and African swine fever.

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