Author/s: Theint Theint Aung
D - Envi 36
SEARCA Library
University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB)
March 2020
Los Banos, Laguna
Pyin Oo Lwin is one of the scenic hilly towns in Myanmar. Throughout the years, there are many tourists visiting the place but unattractive garbage litters and open dumping of unsegregated garbage of households and commercial establishments are found in the area. Hence this study on solid waste management was conducted to: (1) assess the current solid waste management program and practices in different institutions; (2) assess the awareness on the threats of unsegregated waste and opportunities on segregation of waste; and (3) determine and assess the level of knowledge, attitude, perception, and practices of the households. Per capita solid waste generation from the households is 0.397 kg/day where (a) 63%, biodegradable; (b) 12.57%, recyclable; (c) 0.41%, hazardous; (d) 9.36%, residual; (e) 7.45%, single-use plastic bags; and (f) 5.42%, other plastic wastes. About 68% of the respondents are aware of the threats of unsegregated waste. Education of the respondents has significant positive relationship with solid waste management. Occupation of the respondents has significant positive relationship with awareness on segregation of solid waste. Only 75% of the respondents are aware of the opportunities from solid waste segregation. About 35.9% of the respondents could properly identify the types of solid waste. Knowledge on and best practices of solid waste management did not differ among gender. However, attitude towards best solid waste management practices significantly differs among genders and occupation of respondents. They perceive that local government and the constituents are responsible for effective municipal solid waste management program. Information education campaigns for all sectors of the community, collaborative transdisciplinary planning and management on solid waste management, incentive and disincentive local policies, support of the local government on infrastructure, enhancement of solid waste management governance and full commitment of the local with support from the village leader are the key steps to sustainable solid waste management.
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