Author/s: Pok Wudthisawad
D - TrAg 5
SEARCA Library
Kasetsart University
The research aimed: 1) To study the context of Ban Phatub village and surrounding national park resources 2) To analyze participation procedure with the wild bamboo management in Phatub village, and 3) To synthesis the model for participation in wild bamboo management. The research was the mixed method involves collecting, analyzing data integrating qualitative, and quantitative. The findings were classified in static quantitative of 143 questionnaires for percentage (%), mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ) in participation population. The others, the survey and observation were analyzed in qualitative with the context in community otherwise, the 3 related groups in bamboo were studied by in-depth interview, there were categorized in the weaving group, the elderly group and the bamboo forest conservative group which they concern with the wild bamboo surrounding to the national park resources moreover, the study including to culture, tradition, religion that represented the existence of Ban Phatub community. According to, the thesis was synthesized by participation approach and the focus group was methodology for sharing from their opinion. Conclusion, the model was designed for management with the wild bamboo and POSDCoRB was applied with related group for organizing. In terms of integration, many sectors led to cooperate by group process. This procedure has played an important role on wild bamboo management and has created knowledge for skills supplement involving to the sustainability, this the pathway supported to their young generation also.
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