
  Title: Policy Roundtable on Challenges and Opportunities of Agri-food Trade: The Case of Myanmar (ATMI-ASEAN)


agri-food trade; policy roundtable; Myanmar

Tags (Book)





SEARCA Library

Printed; electronic



Los Banos, Laguna

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation-Department of Planning (MOALI-DOP) of Myanmar, organized the policy roundtable (PRT) titled “Challenges and Opportunities of Agri-food Trade: The Case of Myanmar.” Under the project Agricultural Transformation and Market Integration in the ASEAN Region: Responding to Food Security and Inclusiveness Concerns (ATMI-ASEAN), the policy roundtable was held on 20 April 2018 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. The policy roundtable was based on the recently completed policy studies of IFPRI. The roundtable aimed to (1) discuss the state of food security and nutrition in the context of a food systems approach in Myanmar; (2) identify the prospects for diversification in the agriculture sector as identified in the current Agricultural Development Strategy; (3) highlight the export opportunities for agricultural commodities of Myanmar, both existing and prospective in the context of their competitiveness and the governance issues; and (4) explore the role of non-state actors and players including farmer organizations, civil society organizations, and the private sector in augmenting smallholder’s income through their participation in agricultural diversification.

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