
  Title: The phylogenetic studies of Philippine carabao (Bubalus bubalis) and their related wild and domesticated water buffaloes


Philippine carabao; Bubalus bubalis; Asian swamp buffaloes; Tamaraw; Anoas; water buffaloes; genetic diversity; mitochondrial DNA D-loop variation; phylogenetic analyses; conservation

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: Villamor, Lilian P.




D - Agri 6

SEARCA Library


Tokyo University of Agriculture



The current findings revealed the moderate mtDNA haplotypes diversity and weak phylogeographic structure of the modem populations of PC. The mtDNA D-loop sequences of swamp buffalo across the Philippines demonstrated the major and minor groups identified into maternal lineages A and B, respectively. The PC sequences are the majority in maternal lineage A, and the less dominant sequences fell in maternal lineage B. An extensive gene flow was detected between swamp buffalo populations in Visayas and Mindanao. However, swamp buffalo from Luzon populations had a widespread haplotype distribution, which indicated a high migration of swamp buffaloes within Luzon island, and between Visayas and Mindanao islands. Thus, baseline information obtained on mtDNA D-loop sequences would provide the knowledge to the genetic diversity of PC that would be useful in planning effective strategies for prioritizing the PC genetic resources for in situ and ex situ conservation and management program. The mtDNA D-loop sequences of swamp buffaloes were informative to establish the genetic divergence and elucidate the relationship of swamp buffaloes in eight Asian populations. Low genetic divergence between the PC sub-populations in Visayas and Mindanao and Taiwan shed light on the most likely route of the swamp buffalo' s introduction and spread in the Philippines. Also, the dataset supported China as the most likely ancestor of the modem swamp buffalo populations in Asia. This will provide essential insights on phylogenetic relationship of Asian swamp buffaloes which will have implications for the utilization, conservation, and management of the swamp buffalo genetic resources of the swamp buffaloes with Asiatic origins. In conclusion, this is the first report to unravel the phylogenetic relationship and delineation of six Bubalus species using mtDNA D-loop sequences. The research findings also highlighted the closer genetic relationship between tamaraw and swamp maternal lineage B and between Thai wild buffalo and swamp maternal lineage A than other swamp maternal lineages. Thus, baseline information obtained on mtDNA D-loop sequences would provide further knowledge on the genetic diversity of Asian wild buffaloes and domesticated water buffaloes. This would have directly impact planning effective strategies for breeding and preserving genetic resources for its sustainability through in-situ and ex-situ conservation and management programs.

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