
  Title: Breaking the seed dormancy using the technology of ultrafine bubbles and application of planting media to increase the vigor of sandalwood seedling


biochar; cocopeat; imbibition; scarifications; UFB water

Tags (Theses)

Author/s: de Jesus Maia, Juliana




T - SeSc

SEARCA Library


Institut Pertanian Bogor



Sandalwood seed is a dormancy seed with physical dormancy and physiological dormancy, a combination of that called morphophysiological dormancy. This study aims to determine the influence of Ultrafine Bubbles Water (UFB) on the morphophysiological dormancy of Sandalwood seeds. Biochar and cocopeat are planting media applications to increase seedling vigor. Both experiments used a randomized completed block designed (RCBD) with three replications. The experiment was conducted on February 7, 2020 - March 2020, with a second experiment on March 23 - July 2020. The first experiment of treatment consisted of physical scarification, without scarification, and chemical scarification with H2SO4. First experiment: Ultrafine Bubbles (UFB) technology for dormancy breaking of sandalwood seeds. The research consists of two factors, namely: the first factor is the treatment of physical scarification, without scarification, and chemical scarification; and the second factor is the length of immersion by the method without immersion, UFB water oxygen 20 ppm for 24 and 48 hours, UFB water without oxygen for 24 and 48 hours and with H2SO4 30 minutes and then followed by immersion in UFB water for 24 and 48 hours, UFB water with oxygen injection of 20 ppm for 24 and 48 hours and immersion in aquades for 24 and 48 hours. The results of the first experimental study showed that immersion using UFB oxygen water 20 ppm for 24 and 48 hours combined with physical scarification could accelerate germination, that is 13 days after seedlings have appeared radicle and maximum growth (MG) in 41 days of planting, 66.67% with normal sprouts, and 2-4 strands of leaves have grown. UFB water accelerates the softening of the skin so that the germination process is also fast. Immersion of seeds in UFB water for 48 hours with the oxygen of 20 ppm shows a growing speed percentage (GS) of 4.67%, indicating fast roots growing during germination. Immersion with UFB water with the oxygen of 20 ppm and UFB water without oxygen for 24 and 48 hours shows a consistently real effect on some changers. The highest Vigor Index (VI) is 4.37%, Normal Sprouts (NS) is the highest at 5.34%, Dormancy Intensity (DI) and Dead Seeds (DS) are highest in non-immersion treatment (Control) and immersion with aquadest for 24 hours. The results of this study can be concluded that soaking sandalwood seeds in UFB water is one of the alternatives to break dormancy in a short period. Second experiment: Application of biochar and cocopeat media with concentration of each media, namely 0%, 15%, 35%, and 45% combined with primary media (soil + sand + compost). Sand and soil sterilized by roasting 4 hours later mixed with compost combined with two types of planting media according to the specified method. The combination of planting media is inserted into a polybag measuring (7 x 20) cm. Each polybag is filled with planting media according to the treatment that has been designed. Sandalwood sprouts from the results of the first experiment will be selected, the results of sprouts that is appropriate the criteria of sprouts normally that is plumula and roots have grown and have had a pair of leaves, sprouts host plants whose criteria of sprouts are the same two weeks later planted following next to sandalwood seedlings on each polybag that has been filled with planting media with a planting depth of 0.3 cm. The purpose of the second experiment was to find a combination of planting media treatment and the best concentration to increase sandalwood seed vigor. The results of the second trial showed that the combination of necessary materials (soil + sand + compost) with biochar media 30% and 45% in observation on the highly variable growth of seedlings, the diameter of seedlings, and robustness of seedlings get higher growth and development results compared to other treatments. The result of high observation of seedlings at the observation of 6 weeks after planting occurred interaction compared to other observation times with a height of 18.80 cm in the treatment of biochar administration 45%. The result of biochar better than cocopeat application with concentrations of 30% and 45% will increase the dry weight significantly of plants is 0.46 g, length of shoots 13.82 cm, dry weight of the shoots 0.25 g, and dry weight of root is of 0.13 g. The results of the second experiment of seed growth with biochar 30% and 45% combined with soil media, sand, and compost can navigate the rapid growth of sandalwood seedlings, which has a real effect compared to the application of cocopeat media.

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