
  Title: Effective waste management and circular economy: Legislative framework and strategies


waste management; circular economy; surface water quality; emissions; municipal solid waste; waste segregation; waste monitoring; legal; statistical modelling; case studies; sanitation; hygiene; food packaging

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Author/s: Ghosh, Sadhan Kumar; Samanta, Sasmita; Hirani, Harish; da Silva, Carlos Roberto Vieira





SEARCA Library


CRC Press



Effective Waste Management and Circular Economy: Legislative Framework and Strategies is an invaluable resource for researchers, policymakers, implementers and graduate and undergraduate level students in universities and colleges analyzing the legal framework, strategies in waste management, circular economy adoption, use of mathematical and statistical modelling in setting waste management strategies, sanitation and Hygiene in waste management. While huge wastes are wasted by dumping, there is potential of resource circulation by enforcing legislative framework to effective resource utilization and creating business opportunities. Circularity of resources in waste streams can contribute to a more secure, sustainable, and economically sound future through the followings: Effective legal framework, strategies and policy instruments; Adoption of circular economy and recycling technologies; Support of IoT and appropriate decision making and modelling; Adoption of alternatives to plastics and other hazardous materials; and Economic feasibility as business case, commercialization, generating employment. This book addresses most of the above issues in a lucid manner by experts in the field from different countries, which are helpful for the related stakeholders, edited by experts in the field.

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