
  Title: Utilization of shrimp head wastes into powder form as raw material for value-added products


shrimp head; wastes; powder; cabinet drier; value-added products

Tags (serials)

Author/s: Bassig, Rosa A.; Obinque, Adoracion V.; Nebres, Vivian T.; Delos Santos, Virginia H.; Peralta, Deserie M.; Madrid, Ariel Joshua J.





SEARCA Library


The Philippine Journal of Fisheries

Department of Agriculture, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (DA-NFRDI)

Jul-Dec 2021

Quezon City, Philippines

Shrimp processing industries produce large amounts of wastes in the form of shrimp heads, shells, and tails, which are more or less 50% of the raw materials. Improper disposal of these nutrient-rich wastes can cause environmental problems if not duly managed. This study aims to utilize Penaeus monodon shrimp head wastes into powder form using a cabinet type drier and establish the processing yield and important product qualities. Two treatments of shrimp head powders were studied: shrimp head powder with carapace (SHPwc) and shrimp head powder without carapace (SHPwoc). The yields obtained were 26.72% for SHPwc while 20.42% for SHPwoc; both are considered to have significant value since both are produced from wastes. Both products have satisfactory water activity levels; however, the bulk density was high, and the solubility was lower than other published powdered seafood by-products. Both products have light orange or brown color: however, in both odor and flavor, SHPwoc had a higher mean general acceptability, with “like slightly-like moderately” results. SHPwoc was subjected to a shelf-life study with added salt and ascorbic acid preservatives. Monthly analyses revealed that the microbiological parameters are still within limits, and both moisture and pH values were acceptable after eight months of storage at ambient temperature (28-30°C). However, the peroxide value is acceptable until only the sixth month, which signifies the end of shelf-life based on theoretical sensory changes. The results of this study show the promising significance of utilizing shrimp processing wastes into seafood-based products.

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